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Kitchen cooktops 埋め込みIHコンロ

2021-02-01 by David





Monthly contracts for gas tanks AND water AND electricity are a bit pointless, if you're only using the gas for cooking. Hot water heaters are often powered by kerosene tanks here in Aso, so I really don't need to waste money on propane gas too. So I'll switch the cooktops to electric instead.


Unfortunately this house doesn't have a 200V system, which the bigger cooktops require. So instead, I decided to get 2 small 100V cooktops, which can be sunk into the countertop.

▲ 赤・青などのボタンはないので、好きです。すっきりしたデザインの埋め込むタイプです。


I found this $160 cooktop online, which has a nice simple design without all of the unnecessary coloured buttons and labels usually plaguing Japanese appliances. I bought two!

▲ 作業を始まる前に、無料ソフト「Sketchup」で照明付きの完成版モデルを作ってみました。


Before cutting into my nice new countertops, I worked out this 3D model using the free 'Sketchup' software, and added in lighting to make it look pretty darn realistic.

▲ だが、まだまだ悩みました!コンロが右側に置くか。。。


But then, when the cooktops arrived, I started to worry about whether they should be placed on the right....

▲ 。。。真ん中にするか?!友達に聞いてみて、真ん中に決めた。


... or the centre! After asking friends, I settled on the centre. Aesthetically it looks nicer, I think, plus there's still plenty of table space left.

▲ まずは、コンロの位置を書いて、角に穴をあけました。


Time to get messy! I started by marking out the cut lines and then drilling holes in each corner.

▲ そして、電動のこぎりで切りました。ちょうどまっすぐじゃないですが、コンロで隠せます。よかった!


Then it was time to get cutting. My cutlines weren't perfectly straight, but the edges of the cookers will hide them.



▲ これで完成!キャビネットの中に延長コードの配線も付けました。


Slot them in, and connect to the power cable I'd run inside the cabinet, and my cooktops were done!


▲ やっと使えるキッチンになりました!


At long last I had a working kitchen!

▲ イケアのカウンター2枚は広いですね。次の作業がキャビネットの扉です。

Two 60cm counters back to back make a very large workspace! Well done, Ikea!

Next job will be to add doors to all the cabinets.


Tags: kitchen  キッチン 

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