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$300 Underfloor heating 3万円でDIY床暖房

2021-03-12 by David




Japanese rooms are traditionally measured in "tsubo" units, which are based on how many tatami mats would cover the floor. So my bedroom here is a 6-tsubo room, meaning that it would fit 6 tatami mats. And indeed, unlike the rest of the house, it actually has tatami mats for flooring. I've got nothing against tatami floors, but they tend to look scratched and old pretty quickly, especially with a large dog in the house.


So I decided to remove the tatami mats in the bedroom, and replace them with wood flooring. While I was doing that, it seemed a good opportunity to rip out the built in cupboard at one end, and enlarge the bedroom with that space instead. Finally, I wanted to try installing some underfloor heating, so that at least I would have one cosy room with modern technology. If you've never experienced the warmth of underfloor heating, you're really missing out! It's great!

▲ まずは電気床暖房用の「ヒーティングフィルム」が必要です。Ebayで「heating film」を探せばいっぱい出てきますが、買ったフィルムは韓国のFELIX社の「EXCEL305」でした。幅50センチで来ますので、7.5坪の部屋には20mを注文しました。20mでたった12,000円でしたが送料は追加の1万円かかりました。


Fitting you own electric underfloor heating system is actually not that complicated, as long as you do your homework properly! Happily, I'll write it all down for you, to save you some effort!


The first thing you'll need is electric heating film. This is normally sold in 50cm-wide rolls, as shown in the photo. There are loads of brands on Ebay, and after some checking I went with this "Excel305" by the Korean firm FELIX. With my enlargened room now measuring approximately 2.5m x 4m of floorspace, I ordered 20m of heating film for $108. It was a little heavy, so shipping was a further $117.



▲ 床暖房にはコントローラーも要りますね。この商品はたった1900円(送料込)で買いました。「110v floor heating controller」で検索するといっぱい出てきます。この商品は100v~240vまで接続できますので、安心しました。自動センサーも付いてきますので、ご希望の温度に設定すると自動的にキープできます。




The second bit of tech you'll need for this project is a thermostat controller. If you search for "110v floor heating controller" on Ebay you'll find tons. The one I bought (pictured) cost only $18, shipping included! This one can handle mains voltage anywhere from 100V to 240V, so is fine for Japan. It has scheduling functions, and two temperature sensors, so you can set it to heat to 20 degrees, for example, and it will keep it there all night.


There's a little bit of maths you'll need to do, to check the maximum wattage isn't exceeded. A single controller can supply up top 3600 watts of power to your heating system, so you'll need to check the per-metre wattage of your heating film. The film I bought uses 110W for every 1 metre of 50cm-wide film, so for one square metre of film it will require 220W. So working backwards, you can calculate that one 3600W controller can work with approximately 16m² of heating film - which gives you a maximum area of 4mx4m for one controller.


▲ ほかの必要な商品は電気ケーブルとこのフィルム用のクリップです。これもEbayで822円で40個を買ったです。「heating film clamp connector」を探せば出ます。


You'll also need some clamp connectors for the heating film, and plenty of electrical cable. I bought this pack of 40 clamp connectors for about $8 from Ebay.

▲ 作業を始めましょう!まずは古い畳を外しました。その下には1枚の薄いコンパネ板しかなかったので、断熱材を入れないといけないですね!


Time to get to work! First thing to do was to remove all the old tatami mats. Having removed them, I found that the "underfloor" was a laughably thin single sheet of plywood, so I guess I'll need to add some extra insulation!

▲ 断熱材板は特に必要ないですが、お勧めです。30mm厚みのフォームを入れました。


Thankfully tatami mats are quite thick (about 5cm), so removing them left enough room for 30mm of insulation foam sheets, plus the wooden floor I planned to add on top.

▲ その上にヒーティングフィルムを置きます。各50センチのフィルムには2個のクランプつなぎでケーブルに接続します。+とーを間違いないように赤と黒のケーブルを使いました。クランプをブチルテープで囲みました。


Then you simply unroll the heating film on top, in strips of 50cm width. The strips will each need 2 clamp connectors at one end (the wall end), to connect to the positive and negative sides of each film. I used red and black cables for the wiring, and covered each clamp connector with waterproof butyl tape.

▲ 各フィルムからコントローラー機械までケーブルを通さないといけないので、壁の横に1センチほどのケーブル用にスペースを掘りました。そして、壁の中に入れます。そこで5本の赤いケーブル(+線)を配線コネクターで一本にまとめました。黒いケーブル(ー線)も同じ風にまとめました。最後に赤い線と黒い線をコントローラーに差し込んで、電源につなぎます。私が近くのコンセントから電源につなぎました。




Each strip of film needs to be connected via cables to the thermostat controller, which I mounted in the wall near the door. The insulation foam made this an easy job, by just cutting a 1cm wide channel in the foam for the cables alongside the walls. The 5 red cables and 5 black cables then went inside the wall, and were joined using simple cable connectors into a single red and single black cable. These two cables are then inserted into the controller unit, and the mains power is connected. I ran an extension from a nearby power socket for the main power.


Then it's time to test fire your new heating system. If it works as it should, then you're ready to cover over the heating film strips and wrap up!


▲ その上にフローリングを置けます。畳にも使えそうですが、この新しいベッドルームにはフローリングにしたかったです。






I chose a light coloured wood flooring for the bedroom, but you can apparently use tatami mats instead if you prefer.


On the left-hand wall you can see the two power sockets close to the floor, and the square thermostat controller unit above that near the door. The new ceiling light is from Ikea - no surprise there!



▲ 2x4パインで簡単なベッドフレームを作りました。とりあえずこれで行こうかなぁ。。。




I knocked together a cheap and cheerful bedframe from 2x4s, which will do for now, I think.


For a $300 heating system, this was a project well worth doing - Katie the dog certainly likes it!


▲ ちょっと古いスタイルですが、それは好みですね。


The interior maybe a little traditional, but I like old stuff!

▲ この大きいたんすもイケアから買いました。外した収納スペースのところに入れました。収納的にちょっと小さくなりましたが、部屋がすごく広く感じがしますね。


On the far wall you can see the space that was opened up by pulling out the built-in storage cupboard. Instead of that floor-to-ceiling cupboard, I switched to a large chest of drawers (again, from Ikea) which gives plenty of storage spce but keeps all that open space above it. The bedroom certainly feels a lot larger!


Tags: bedroom  ベッドルーム  heating  暖房 

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