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Edward Scissorhands 3Dプリント

2022-09-13 by David



Halloween's coming up soon, and this will probably be my last opportunity to costume it up in a big city. Plus everything's been very quiet for the past few years thanks to the fun of coronavirus, so hopefully things will be a blast this year? So I've decided to create a new costume this year...




▲ 今年のハロウィーンでEdward Scissorhandsのコスチュームを作りたいです。80年代の映画だけで日本でも名作ですね。


This year I decided to try Edward Scissorhands, and the major part of that costume is of course those deadly scissor hands! That seemed a great opportunity to mix 3D printed technology, so I got to work.




▲ 3Dプリント用のファイルをネットで見つけましたので、数日間でパーツをプリントしました。


I managed to find the print files online for free (costumers are lovely people!!), so I spent a few days printing out the various parts required.


▲ 接着剤で指のパーツを組み合わせたら、こんな感じでした。想像できるでしょう?


With the multipart pieces for the fingers glued together, you can see them quickly taking shape.

▲ 次はホットボンドで100円ショップで買った作業手袋に付けました。


Next I grabbed some cheap black plastic-coated work gloves from the local 100yen shop, and glued in each fingers with hot glue. Easy!

▲ 最後がペイントですね。まずは黒いスプレーの後にシルバーに塗りました。それからはさみのように赤いと黒い部分のアクセントと錆もしました。これで完成です!

Painting was the next step. I started with a simple black spray undercoat, and then painted on silver acrylic by hand. Then I went back over a few fingers and painted scissor grips in red or black, before weathering everything with a few scratches, and dabs of brown and orange for rust. All finished!




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A lucky escape with the typhoon! 台風がヤバいけどラッキー! >>

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