Making small tables 小さいテーブル作成

2023-12-22 by David



The new 3D printing design I'm currently working on in the studio is the Samurai Lord's House, and it covers a massive 120cm x 120cm area! So it looks like I'll need to build some extra tables to give it enough space to be assembled.

▲ 既に90cmx120cmテーブル2台ありますので、合わせたら大きい180cmx120cmテーブルも利用できますが今回小さい90cmx60cmテーブルを作成します。組み合わせは自由に使いたいです。




I already have a couple of bigger 90cm x 120cm tables already, which can be placed together to make a very large 180cm x 120cm table. But this time I wanted to make two smaller 90cm x 60cm tables, which can be placed separately around the studio as display tables, too!


So I started with some cheap 1x4 pieces of pine, laid on top of the existing larger table to make sure the dimensions matched. This produced 2 tabletop 'frames'.

▲ フレームの中に2x4の太い補強を入れました。


Two thicker 2x4 beams were screwed inside the frames, lifted up enough to fit more 1x4s later.

▲ 次の工事は足ですね。他のテーブルと同じように足を2x4で作りました。


Next it's time to create some simple legs. I decided to make these simple box shapes from 2x4s, so that the tables would match the shape of the existing tables. Perhaps overkill in terms of wood, but never mind!

▲ 四角の足を2x4でつなぎました。


Two leg squares were connected for each table, with a thick 2x4 beam on each side.

▲ フレームを足に付けました。


The tabletop frames were then screwed down onto the leg structure, to make sturdy tables.

▲ 最後には卓上を1x4で切って、フレームに木材ボンドで固定しました。


The last phase of construction was to cut 1x4s to make the table tops. I just glued these down inside the frames, because they won't be taking much weight.

▲ それで完成ですが、デザイン性はもうちょっとレベルアップにしたいです。


And there we have it - two completed mini tables!


.... but now I need your ideas!?


I'd like to make the tables a little fancier by carving a couple of small designs into the table surfaces. Any suggestions?

▲ この写真は過去に作ったテーブルです。ファンタジーのテーマでインテリアを作りましたので、この柄をルータで書きました。今回も同じような方法で何かの柄を入れたいですね。柄はまだわからないんですが。。。


This is a large twin-tailed comet motif I carved into a full-sized gaming table a few years back, when I was making a fantasy-themed gaming room. It looked pretty nice when finished and wood-stained, so that's why I'm keen to try again on these smaller tables.


If you have any suggestions, please drop them in the comments below? Thanks!

▲ 冬のプロジェクトはこれです - 大きい模型です!大分県臼杵市の稲葉家下屋敷の模型ですので、結構広い!


Last photo for today - this is the Samurai Lord's House project I'm currently working on, based on the Inaba Residence in Usuki City, Oita prefecture. It's a biggie!!


Tags: アトリエ  studio 

Happy Halloween 2023!!

2023-10-31 by David





It's my first Halloween here since moving to Aso in the spring, so I decided to go a bit nuts with the halloween decorations and host a proper party in the house! Strangely, it's a house well suited to looking a bit weird......

▲ まずはPUMPKIN飾りですね。もちろん3Dプリンターで作りました。今回、早くプリントできるために「花瓶モード」を初めて使いました。このぐらいの大きさでプリントすると約24時間以上かかりますが、「花瓶モード」を使うと約2時間かかります。その代わりに、とても弱くなります。まぁ、いいか ー 飾りだけですね。




I started gathering cheap decorations well in advance, and even splashed out on a roll of orange PLA filament, to print all these pumpkins. This was my first time using "vase mode" on my 3D printers, which is a mode that only prints one single layer around the perimeter of a shape. The disadvantage is that this makes objects super flimsy and prone to breaking (and misprints), but it cuts the print time from over 24 hours for a normal print of this size, to just about 2 hours. So in the 3 days prior to the party, I was able to print all these pumpkins, which looked great dotted around the house.


The rest of the decorations were done on almost zero-budget, from the 100-yen store for balloons etc, and many sheets of coloured paper for creepy blood drops and paper chains.

▲ 庭に偽物墓を余っていたサイディングから作りました。名前が全部Englishジョークでしたね。このゾンビ―手もプリンターで作りました。

I cut and painted 5 of these fake gravestones from leftover boards, and had some fun with dumb puns for the names. I also printed this zombie hand to decorate one of the undead graves!

▲ 結構リアルでしょう?


Looks pretty real, right? Not bad for an hour of messy painting!




▲ 玄関ドアにこのパンプキンもありました。パンプキンは3Dプリントで、後は手作りでした。


I also printed this little pumpkin face, and hung it in the middle of this stick wreath. I made the wreath with sticks I picked up while out walking Katie in the morning. Worked well with some black spray paint and some LEDs!

▲ パーティーの夜、暗くなったらこんな雰囲気ができました!あっちこっちにちょっと気持ち悪い飾りがあって、飛んでいるお化けも作りました。


Party time! It got dark about 6pm, and I had a few minutes free before people turned up, to take some atmospheric pics! I removed half of the bulbs outside, to make it darker and creepier.

▲ 新しいガレージの中にも可愛いMonsterCarも飾っていた!


I couldn't help showing off the new garage and the lights, so I turned the car into a cute little monster too!

▲ ほら ー お墓が気持ち悪いでしょう?


Here are those 5 gravestones, looking suitably creepy at night.

▲ 飛んでいるお化けが写真の左側にあります。そして、玄関の外側もクモの巣がいっぱい付けました!


If you look at the left side of this photo, you can see the small ghost I rigged up on fishing wire between two trees - thanks to a repurposed printer motor tied to a tree, it slowly floated across and above the deck outside, before disappearing from view. Funny!


The other decoration I added in the afternoon was many, many spider webs! The front door area looks good draped in giant webs, right?

▲ 玄関に入るとハロウィーンっぽい飾りありました。写真撮影にはいいかも?




This was the view once you step through the front door, with a flight of bats flapping around this little Halloween scene. It made a nice spot for some spooky costume photos, although Katie wouldn't cooperate for a pic. I gave her a glowing collar anyway, so people could at least see her properly!

▲ じゃ、ここからクモの巣が始まりますよ。。。


Stepping up from the genkan area, the spider webs start again....

▲ カラー電球2個だけにしましたので、変わった感じのパーティーになりました。


I removed all the lights except two colour bulbs, which were just about enough to see and eat by, and gave the whole room an awesome weird vibe!

▲ なかなかいいでしょう?


Check out that funky ceiling - plenty of webs, paper chains, and other bits and pieces!




I also took a quick video too, but my phone had problems getting good footage in the dark conditions - apologies for that!




Tags: halloween 

Garage construction ガレージ工事 PART 6

2023-10-15 by David



It's finally time to add the exterior walls and finish the roof. Fiiiiiinally!!


The summer weather has started to cool now, which has helped to make the work on the garage a little easier. So let's get started....

▲ まずは外壁のサイディング張りから始めます。正面に空気入れの穴を八角の形にカットしました。そして、角を守る「通し出隅」を付けてから隙間を防水用のシリコンでコーキングしました。この作業は2日間ぐらいかかりましたが、これでほぼ防水な形になったんです。


It took about 2 days of cutting and hammering to cover all the walls with these heavy siding boards, and I finished the front off with a vent hole cut into an octagonal shape. Then it was just a case of quickly adding some metal strips to each of the four corners, and then sealing the join gaps between boards with waterproof silicon caulking. And with that, the building was mostly waterproof!

▲ そして、楽しみにしていた作業になった!ペイントの時間です!ツヤありの黒に3回塗りました。「1回塗り」のペイントを買いましたが、やはりなかなか綺麗にペイントできなかったので、3階も塗りました。そのペイントの選択がちょっと失敗。


Then it was the job I'd been looking forward to for ages - painting time! I decided to paint the exterior in glossy black, to contrast nicely with the still-to-be-added white doorframe woodwork. It said on the paint tin that it only needed one coat of black, but in fact it took 3 coats to neatly cover the walls properly. Grrrrrrr

▲ 次は入口前の坂作りでした。DIY店から買ったドライコンクリート袋15個を隣のTeruさんから借りたハンドミクサーで混ぜました。300kgも必要だったのでちょっと時間かかりましたが、友達の手伝いで綺麗に出来上がりました。


Once the walls were dry, it was time to add some concrete to the entranceway, so I could actually drive a car inside! My lovely neighbour loaned me an electric hand-mixer, which sped up the process of mixing 15 bags of concrete considerably (300kg in total), but it still took quite a while to smooth it off!

▲ 残っている大きい作業が一つだけですね ー 屋根だ!ブルーシートをやっと外しましたので、その代わりに防水用のルーフィングシートをホチキスで付けました。


The last big job was to finish the roof. I removed the big, blue tarpaulin which had kept it safe for a few weeks, and quickly stapled down a few strips of waterproof roofing felt.

▲ 屋根の周りに白く塗った1x6木材を付けました。


The eaves were carefully cut from 1x6s and screwed into place around the edges of the roof, and painted with two coats of white paint. On top of those were nailed some metal strips to further protect the roof subsurface.

▲ よし、始まるぞ。屋根の90cmスレートを144枚も張りました。この作業も大体二日間かかりましたので、雨降っていない日にしたんです。


Time to get this done! It took a couple of cloudy-but-dry days to nail down all 144 roof slates, and finish the top ridgeline of the roof with a metal cover. These were heavy artificial slates, but look really lovely and should last years! They probably weigh about 500kg in total, though, so I didn't park the car inside yet... just in case!

▲ その二日間の間、屋根の上に座った形で作業をしていましたので2つのジーンズは全然ダメになったんです!そのスレートの素材がサンドペーパーぐらいの凸凹が付いていますので、ご注意ください!haha


Look what happened to my jeans! Yikes!!


I spent most of those two days on the roof sitting and sliding across on my arse, and the surface of those slates is pretty much like sandpaper! So I destroyed the arse-cheeks of TWO old pairs of jeans. I guess professional roofers do everything standing up (?), but I found it much easier and safer doing everything sitting down.

▲ 最後に正面のアクセントですね。空気入れ穴の八角の周りにフレームを作りたかったですが、木材作りではなくプラスチックで3Dプリントしました!




One last thing I wanted to add to the front of the building was a decorative vent cover for that octagonal hole. I couldn't find anything suitable (i.e. cheap!) on the internet, and I decided not to try making it out of wood. Instead, I decided to try designing a frame and 3D printing it! Who'd have thought that would be possible?!


The 3D-printable design for the 40cm octagonal vent is available here for anybody that wants it:

▲ 何回も白く塗りましたので、木材作りと変わらない形になりました。


After some putty to cover the joins and several thick coats of white paint, it looks indistinguishable from a wooden frame - but has the extra benefits of being lightweight and waterproof!

▲ 今日はそのフレームを正面に張りました。いかがでしょうか?アクセントは大事ですよね?


I attached it to the vent hole on the front this afternoon, and then sealed the gaps around it with silicon caulking. Very happy with that!

▲ ドアはまだ作っていないんですが、この状態で使えるガレージになりました。


And so, the garage is at last a real garage. I haven't fitted any doors yet, but it's finally able to keep my little baby safe and protected from the elements.

▲ 黒と白のデザインはやはり正解でした!そして、インテリアの白と赤い木材も好き。




I think that choosing black and white for the exterior worked pretty well against the bright red of the house. The simple white and red wood interior also looks pretty good, no?

▲ ドアは間もなく作る予定ですが、とりあえずこれで「完成」ですかね?嬉しい。


I'll add some doors at some point in the near future, but for now I'm calling this DIY garage build 'finished'. Yay!


OSBボード 16枚 : 31,680円

サイディング 25枚 : 46,800円

窓サッシ 3個 : 55,010円

通し出隅 4本 : 4,600円

コーキング・ペイントなど : 13,270円

壁 : 151,360円





基礎 : 87,349円

ブロック壁 : 27,443円

壁の木材フレーム : 105,035円

屋根(フレーム&スレート) : 169,983円

壁 : 151,360円

ガレージ合計 : 541,170円





Alright, let's see how much these walls cost.....


16 sheets of OSB chipboard : 31,680yen

25 sheets of exterior siding : 46,800yen

3 windows : 55,010yen

4 corner strips : 4,600yen

Silicon caulking, paint etc. : 13,270yen

Walls : 151,360yen


Great, that's not too bad! Now let's crunch some numbers, and work out how much the garage cost in total, compared to the estimated budget of 650,000yen ($5000usd-ish)....


12ft x 16ft DIY garage:

Foundations : 87,349yen

Block wall : 27,443yen

Wall frames : 105,035yen

Roof (frame and slates) : 169,983yen

Walls : 151,360yen

Total cost for garage : 541,170yen


Yay, that came in considerably under budget, mostly thanks to being able to reuse some of the expensive lumber from the foundations later on in the build, and other small savings here and there. Certainly compared to the "DIY kits" I'd originally looked at online, it's a heck of a saving - those kits don't usually include foundations, exterior siding or roofing materials, so the total cost would probably come in somewhere around the 1,500,000yen mark ($13,000usd). So the extra money saved from my budget can go on some nice door fittings and lighting, perhaps?


Tags: garage  車庫 

Secret Aso-volcano pool 阿蘇山の隠れプール

2023-09-16 by David



Last week I took a little drive to Sensuikyo Gorge, on the north side of the Aso volcano. I last visited this spot a couple of years ago, and I'm happy to report that this lovely little pool still exists. It's ideal for a refreshing dip on a hot summer's day, and nobody seems to even know it exists - not even the locals!

▲ 下を見ると景色がこんな感じです!仙酔峡の駐車場から300メートルほど上になります。


It's a little hard to find (map shown below for you) and a short 300-metre hike up from the nearest car park, but this is the view from the pool itself, looking north towards Aso city. Those mountains waaaay in the distance are the Kuju mountains, about 30mins drive north of Aso.

▲ 上を見ると阿蘇山が見えます。阿蘇山の中岳が結構近いですね。




And this is the view south, looking up behind you to the Aso volcano. The actual central crater of Aso (called Nakadake) is only about 1km from the pool, which is why you'll usually see these clouds of ash and vapour popping up above you!


The pool itself is not a geothermal pool, so the water is cold. However, the thin stream of water coming from above flows over these lava-rocks, and on a hot summer's day those rocks are warm from the sun's rays.... which means you get a small shower of warm water pouring into the pool! Really lovely.

▲ 仙酔峡の駐車場から、この古いケーブルカー柱の高さまで登らないといけないんです。15分ほどかかります。


Okay, here's how to find it..... you'll need to park at the Sensuikyo car park below (which does have public toilets and some drink machines), and then hike up the steps and path for about 15 minutes. Once you get to the height of this disused cable car tower (on your right), turn left off the path.

▲ ハイキング道路からも見えないプールですが、この写真の所に来たら1分です。


This is the view left from the path. Although you won't be able to see it from the path, there's actually a small stream running just out of view, and you want to aim for the jagged slope in middle of this photo. You'll need to walk about 1 minute off the path to find it.







Have fun!!


Tags: sightseeing  観光 

Garage construction ガレージ工事 PART 5

2023-09-10 by David



The garage is about half-finished now, but thankfully all of the hard, backbreaking jobs are pretty much done, so everything should move along quite quickly from this point. The wall frames have all been bolted together, so the next part of the build is to add a roof frame....

▲ 屋根のフレームも安いツバイフォー(2x4s)でできています。簡単な三角な形なので作成は結構簡単でした。ただし、載せるのは一人ではちょっと難しかったので、誰かが手伝いできる日まで一応壁フレームの家に載せました。


The roof trusses were put together using reasonably cheap 2x4s, although this did require some pretty long beams this time. Thankfully, I was able to borrow the free kei truck from my local DIY store to bring everything to the house.


Putting together the trusses was pretty easy, and once the first was complete it was just a matter of stacking the next one on top and copying and pasting the process. But the main problem was actually getting those long trusses safely up on to the walls and screwed in place.

▲ そして、友達の開いている日に二人で上に載せて、「Simpson社」の台風用ブラケットで位置を固定しました。


Happily, a friend was able to give me a free hour of their time to push the trusses up and put them into place. I used cheap galvanised steel storm brackets to mark off the correct locations, and then simply slotted the trusses into each bracket before nailing and screwing them down.

▲ 次は屋根のボードですね!このOSBボードを張れば、フレームを強化できますので壁でも屋根でも利用します。内面を白く塗れば、簡単なインテリア塗装もできそうですね。ただし、今回34枚もありますので、ローラーで塗りました。


The next step was to screw down a covering of boards onto the roof trusses, to tie them all together into a rigid structure. OSB boards are designed to strengthen to structure of a building, when used for roofing and walls, and I decided to also paint one side of each board white, to act as a cheap way of decorating the interior of the garage. Since there were 34 boards in total, I used a paint roller for the first time in my life!

▲ まずは屋根から始めます。急に雨が降ったらカバーも置けますので、その順番がおすすめですね。屋根の三角フレームも前の日にボード幅に合わせて、設計しましたので、作業は簡単でした。


The first boards were screwed into place in the central part of the roof trusses, which had previously been placed to exactly fit the dimensions of the boards. So this was a pretty quick and simple process, and could mostly be done using a ladder from the inside of the building.

▲ 左側9枚と右側9枚で早く張れました!屋根のボード張りが終わったら、お隣さんから借りたブルーシートで一応カバーしました。


I used 18 boards in total for the roof, 9 on each side. Once they were screwed down in place, I quickly covered the roof with a big blue tarpaulin to protect it from any rain showers.

▲ 次のステップは壁でしたので、同じようにOSBボードを白く塗りました。


Then it was on to the walls! I used the same OSB boards for the walls of the garage, also painted white on one side.

▲ 左側の壁にボードを張ったときに感動しました!すごくうれしかった!


I can't express how happy it made me to finally get the first side wall covered in boards, after such a long time planning this build!

▲ 全部の壁が終わったら本当にガレージの感じになりました!




The remaining walls quickly followed, and it properly began to look like a garage for the first time!


I also added one strip of waterproof roof felt to the roof, because the blue sheet was just a tiny bit too small.

▲ ボードの上に壁用の防水シートも張りました。そして、最後に三つ大きい窓サッシも入れました!




Once all the boards were in place, I quickly wrapped those walls in waterproof sheeting, and slotted the 3 large windows into their wall sections. So, with the roof and walls wrapped in sheeting, the garage is now mostly rain-proof. Finally, the end is in sight!!





The budget for the roof section was 180,000yen, including quite a bit of money for the roof slates which have yet to be attached.



2x4木材: 47,183円

金具: 5,620円

OSBボード18枚: 35,640円

防水アスファルトシート18m x 2巻: 10,500円

コロニアル瓦スレート: 58,140円

屋根用鋼板など: 12,900円

合計: 169,983円



2x4s: 47,183yen

Brackets and fittings: 5,620yen

OSB boards x 18: 35,640yen

Asphalt roofing sheet 18m x 2 rolls: 10,500yen

'Colonial' roofing slates: 58,140yen

Edging/spine strips etc: 12,900yen

Total: 169,983yen




Yay! So the roofing section came in slightly under budget again, which makes me happy. Not a huge saving, obviously, but every little bit helps, right?


Tags: garage  車庫 


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〒869-2226 熊本県阿蘇市乙姫2070-48
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