
New models:

Tea shop
Music shop
Sake shop
Rice shop
Cloth shop
Pottery shop
Toy shop
Umbrella shop
Ruined hut
Sumo ring

Welcome to ASO MILL

ASO MILL is a foreign-owned 3D printing studio in Kumamoto, Japan. We're located in a little tourist village, amongst the woods of the beautiful Aso volcano region. If you're visiting the area, why not drop by and take a look at the displays of 3D printed models, buildings and costuming items in the studio shop?


We offer a range of 3D printed historical / fantasy themed wargaming terrain models suitable for feudal Japanese villages and towns, for use in your Test of Honour, Bushido, Saga, Clash of Katanas, Kensei, Ronin, Legend of the Five Rings, WWII Bolt Action and other wargames and roleplaying games. Available in a variety of model scales, and we are Japan's only licensed print partner for 3DAlienWorlds.


Latest Blogs:

No more car park! 駐車場がなくなった!

現在、ドームハウスのパーツが家の横に置いてありますので、お客様用の駐車場スペースがとりあえずなくなりました。その代わりに近くの「案内板」前に駐車してください!大変申し訳ございません。▲ There are many, many dome house pieces currently sitting outside the house (for the Bag End Aso project), so I'm afraid that the space is unavailable for customer parking at the moment. Sorry about that! ...


Making garage doors ガレージの扉DIY作成

ガレージができてから結構時間たちましたね。扉の作成はなかなか時間かかりましたが、やっと完成です!   It's been months and months since I built the garage, but it's been hard to find the time to finish the front doors. But with typhoon season coming soon, it was time to get started. ▲ 大体こんな感じで作るつもりでした。   This was the style of ...


Customer pics お客様作品の写真

最近お客様に送信した屋台などの情景モデルの完成バージョンを「ウォーハンマーとメタルフィギュアな日々」のブログで見つけました。ぜひご覧ください!   アーティスト名:「スコーピオン・キング」I've recently been following along on a customer's painting and modelling blog, and thought you might also enjoy seeing these lovely finished pics! Enjoy....▲ Well done! Beautiful paint jobs! ...


New side-project... a hobbit house! ホビットの家

新しいプロジェクトを紹介します!今月から面白い作業を始めます - ホビットハウスです!   今後数年かけて、熊本県の田舎にJ.R.R.トールキン作の「ホビットの冒険」のホビット家にインスピレーションを受けて、地下住宅をDIYで建てる予定です。作業ビデオを楽しみながら、この冒険に私と一緒にぜひ参加してください!!   I'm very pleased to be able to announce my next exciting project today..... a HOBBIT HOUSE!!!   Over the next couple ...


Shops added to the shop ショップにお店

お店の模型コレクションもオンラインショップに追加いたしましたので、ぜひご覧ください!   A collection of 8 highly-detailed model shops have been added to the online store.   ▲ You can choose from a pottery shop, music shop, toy shop, rice shop, sake (ricewine) shop, cloth/kimono shop, umbrella shop, and the tea shop pictured abo ...



We are OPEN today!

〒869-2226 熊本県阿蘇市乙姫2070-48
Aso City, Otohime 2070-48
Open from 13:00~17:00*
Closed on Sundays & Mondays
(* if the door's closed, we might have popped out to walk the dog... back soon!)